If a man carry treasure in bullion, or in a wedge of gold, and have none coined into current money, his treasure will not defray him as he travels. 假如一个人携带金锭或金块出门,而不将之铸成通行的金币,那么他的财富仍不能支付他旅途的开支。
He coined money with many best-sellers. 他经营许多畅销书发了财。
A wretched man, being at the end of his resources, had coined counterfeit money, out of love for a woman, and for the child which he had had by her. 有个穷苦无告的人,为了他对一个女子和所生孩子的爱,在生路断绝时铸了私钱。
Author and financial advisor David Bach coined the term to reference the inordinate amount of money people waste on a daily basis, that when saved can literally make you a millionaire. 这个词是由作家兼金融顾问大卫•巴赫首先提出的,指人们每天浪费的、那些聚积起来可以让他们成为百万富翁的钱财。
The terms were coined by John Gurley and Edward S. Shaw in Money in A Theory of Finance. 这些术语是约翰?格利和爱德华?斯?肖在两人合著的《金融理论中的货币》中首创的。
The coined money organization which the ancient times government established, generally was located in the state which being suitable coined money, various mint had jail. 钱监是古代政府设置的铸币机构,一般设在适宜铸钱的州,各钱监都有监名。